Code source wiki de Licensed Extensions

Modifié par superadmin le 2022/05/16 17:25

Afficher les derniers auteurs
1 {{include reference="Licenses.Code.VelocityMacros" /}}
3 {{velocity output="false"}}
4 #macro (displayLicensesLiveTable)
5 {{html clean="false"}}
6 <fieldset class="header">
7 <legend>$services.localization.render('licensor.licenseManager.heading')</legend>
8 $services.localization.render('licensor.licenseManager.hint')
9 </fieldset>
10 {{/html}}
11 #set ($columns = ['name', 'version', 'status', 'support', 'userLimit', 'wiki', 'actions'])
12 #set ($columnsProperties = {
13 'name': {'filterable': false, 'sortable': false, 'link': 'auto'},
14 'version': {'filterable': false, 'sortable': false},
15 'status': {'filterable': false, 'sortable': false, 'html': true},
16 'support': {'filterable': false, 'sortable': false},
17 'userLimit': {'filterable': false, 'sortable': false, 'html': true},
18 'wiki': {'filterable': false, 'sortable': false},
19 'actions': {'filterable': false, 'sortable': false, 'html': true}
20 })
21 #set ($options = {
22 'resultPage':'Licenses.Code.LicenseJSON',
23 'translationPrefix' : 'licensor.',
24 'extraParams': "&showAllPaidExtensions=$!escapetool.url($request.showAllPaidExtensions)"
25 })
26 #livetable('licenseManager' $columns $columnsProperties $options)
27 {{html clean="false"}}
28 <p>
29 <button id="updateLicenses" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="popover"
30 title="$escapetool.xml($services.localization.render('licensor.updateLicenses.hint'))"
31 data-title="$escapetool.xml($services.localization.render('licensor.updateLicenses.hint.title'))"
32 data-content="$escapetool.xml($services.localization.render('licensor.updateLicenses.hint.content'))">
33 $escapetool.xml($services.localization.render('licensor.updateLicenses.label'))
34 </button>
35 </p>
36 {{/html}}
37 #end
39 #macro (displayAddLicenseForm)
40 {{html clean=false}}
41 <form id="addLicense" class="xform half" action="$xwiki.getURL('Licenses.Code.AddLicense', 'get',
42 'outputSyntax=plain')" method="post">
43 <fieldset class="header">
44 <legend>$services.localization.render('licensor.addLicense.heading')</legend>
45 <p>$services.localization.render('licensor.addLicense.hint')</p>
46 <textarea name="license" id="license" rows="5"></textarea>
47 <input type="hidden" name="form_token" value="$!escapetool.xml($services.csrf.token)" />
48 <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="$services.localization.render('licensor.addLicense.submit')">
49 </fieldset>
50 </form>
51 {{/html}}
52 #end
53 {{/velocity}}
55 {{velocity}}
56 ## The licensor UI is a dependency of the licensor API which needs to be installed on farm. The licensor UI should be
57 ## accessible only from the main wiki but we can't limit its installation to the main wiki so we need to check here if
58 ## we are on the main wiki.
59 #if (!$xcontext.isMainWiki())
60 {{info}}
61 $services.localization.render('licensor.unavailableOnSubWiki', ['[[', ">>path:#getLicensesAdminSectionURL]]"])
62 {{/info}}
63 #elseif (!$hasAdmin || !$hasProgramming)
64 {{error}}
65 $services.localization.render('licensor.accessDenied')
66 {{/error}}
67 #else
68 #set ($discard = $xwiki.ssx.use('Licenses.WebHome'))
69 #set ($discard = $xwiki.jsx.use('Licenses.WebHome'))
70 #displayOwnerDetailsForm
71 #displayLicensesLiveTable
72 #displayAddLicenseForm
73 #end
74 {{/velocity}}
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