Code source wiki de License JSON

Modifié par superadmin le 2022/01/01 16:06

Masquer les derniers auteurs
superadmin 1.1 1 {{include reference="Licenses.Code.VelocityMacros"/}}
3 {{velocity output="false"}}
4 #macro (addPaidExtensionRow $extension $rows)
5 #set ($license = $services.licensing.licensor.getLicenseForExtension($
6 ##
7 ## Expiration Date
8 ##
9 #if (!$license || $license.expirationDate == 0)
10 #set ($expDateStatus = 'danger')
11 #set ($expDate = $services.localization.render('licensor.status.noLicenseAvailable'))
12 #elseif ($license.expirationDate == $LONG_MAX_VALUE)
13 #set ($expDateStatus = 'success')
14 #set ($expDate = $services.localization.render('licensor.status.infinite'))
15 #else
16 #set ($expDateStatus = "#if ($license.expirationDate > ${else}danger#end")
17 #set ($expDate = $datetool.format('dd/MM/yyyy', $license.expirationDate))
18 #end
19 #set ($expDate = "<span class=""text-$!expDateStatus"">$!escapetool.xml($expDate)</span>")
20 ##
21 ## Support
22 ##
23 #set ($support = $
24 #if ("$!support" != '')
25 #set ($translationKey = '' + $support.toLowerCase())
26 #if ($services.localization.get($translationKey))
27 #set ($support = $services.localization.render($translationKey))
28 #else
29 #set ($support = $stringtool.capitalize($support))
30 #end
31 #else
32 #set ($support = $services.localization.render(''))
33 #end
34 ##
35 ## User Limit
36 ##
37 #if (!$license || !$license.maxUserCount || $license.maxUserCount == $LONG_MAX_VALUE
38 || ($license.maxUserCount == 0 && $license.expirationDate == 0))
39 ## The default value for the maxUserCount field of a license is Long.MAX_VALUE so when we encounter this value
40 ## we consider that the max user count was not specified.
41 #set ($userLimitStatus = 'muted')
42 #set ($userLimit = $services.localization.render('licensor.userLimit.unspecified'))
43 #elseif ($license.maxUserCount < 0)
44 #set ($userLimitStatus = 'success')
45 #set ($userLimit = $services.localization.render('licensor.userLimit.unlimited'))
46 #else
47 #set ($userLimitStatus = "#if ($userCount <= $license.maxUserCount)success#{else}danger#end")
48 #set ($userLimit = "$!userCount / $!license.maxUserCount")
49 #end
50 #set ($userLimit = "<span class=""text-$!userLimitStatus"">$!escapetool.xml($userLimit)</span>")
51 ##
52 ## Namespaces and Version
53 ##
54 #set ($namespaces = [])
55 #foreach ($namespace in $extension.namespaces)
56 #if ($namespace)
57 #set ($wikiPrettyName = $$namespace.split(':')[1]).prettyName)
58 #else
59 ## Create a pretty name for the extensions installed at root level (Installed on Farm).
60 #set ($wikiPrettyName = $services.localization.render(''))
61 #end
62 #set ($discard = $namespaces.add($wikiPrettyName))
63 #end
superadmin 2.1 64 ## SortTool is deprecated since 12.0.
65 #if ($collectiontool)
66 #set ($namespaces = $collectiontool.sort($namespaces))
67 #else
68 #set ($namespaces = $sorttool.sort($namespaces))
69 #end
superadmin 1.1 70 ##
71 ## Other
72 ##
73 #set ($queryString = $escapetool.url({
74 'instanceId': $services.instance.instanceId,
75 'featureId': $,
76 'extensionVersion': $,
77 'firstName': $ownerObj.getValue('firstName'),
78 'lastName': $ownerObj.getValue('lastName'),
79 'email': $ownerObj.getValue('email')
80 }))
81 #set ($documentationURL = "${storeAccessURL}?${queryString}")
82 #set ($discard = $rows.add({
83 'doc_viewable': true,
84 'name': $,
85 'name_url': $documentationURL,
86 'version': $,
87 'status': $expDate,
88 'support': $support,
89 'userLimit': $userLimit,
90 'wiki': $stringtool.join($namespaces, ', '),
91 'actions': "#licenseActions($license $extension)"
92 }))
93 #end
94 {{/velocity}}
96 {{velocity wiki="false"}}
97 #if ($xcontext.action == 'get')
98 #set ($discard = $response.setContentType('application/json'))
99 #end
100 #if ($request.showAllPaidExtensions == 'true')
101 #getPaidExtensions
102 #set ($extensions = $paidExtensions)
103 #else
104 #getVisiblePaidExtensions
105 #set ($extensions = $visiblePaidExtensions)
106 #end
107 #set ($rows = [])
108 #foreach ($extension in $extensions)
109 #addPaidExtensionRow($extension $rows)
110 #end
superadmin 2.1 111 ## SortTool is deprecated since 12.0.
112 #if ($collectiontool)
113 #set ($rows = $collectiontool.sort($rows, 'name'))
114 #else
115 #set ($rows = $sorttool.sort($rows, 'name'))
116 #end
117 #set ($offset = $mathtool.sub($numbertool.toNumber($request.offset).intValue(), 1))
superadmin 1.1 118 #if ("$!offset" == '')
119 #set ($offset = 0)
120 #end
121 #set ($offset = $mathtool.max($mathtool.min($offset, $mathtool.sub($rows.size(), 1)), 0))
superadmin 2.1 122 #set ($limit = $numbertool.toNumber($request.limit).intValue())
superadmin 1.1 123 #if ("$!limit" == '')
124 #set ($limit = 10)
125 #elseif ($limit <= 0)
126 #set ($limit = $rows.size())
127 #end
128 #set ($limit = $mathtool.min($limit, $mathtool.sub($rows.size(), $offset)))
129 $jsontool.serialize({
130 'reqNo': $request.reqNo,
131 'totalrows': $rows.size(),
132 'returnedrows': $limit,
133 'offset': $mathtool.add($offset, 1),
134 'rows': $rows.subList($offset, $mathtool.add($offset, $limit))
135 })
136 {{/velocity}}
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