Afficher les derniers auteurs
1 {{include reference="Licenses.Code.VelocityMacros" /}}
3 {{velocity wiki="false"}}
4 #if ($request.confirm != 'true')
5 #stop
6 #elseif (!$services.csrf.isTokenValid($request.form_token))
7 #set ($discard = $response.sendError(401, $services.localization.render('licensor.badCSRFToken')))
8 #stop
9 #end
10 #set ($data = {
11 'outputSyntax': 'plain',
12 'instanceId': "$services.instance.instanceId"
13 })
14 ## CollectionsTool is deprecated since 12.1RC1.
15 #if ($collectiontool)
16 #set ($discard = $data.put('featureId', $collectiontool.set))
17 #else
18 #set ($discard = $data.put('featureId', $collectionstool.set))
19 #end
20 ##
21 ## Collect the feature ids.
22 ##
23 #getVisiblePaidExtensions
24 #foreach ($visiblePaidExtension in $visiblePaidExtensions)
25 #set ($featureId = $
26 #set ($discard = $data.featureId.add($featureId))
27 ## Pass the known expiration date in order to avoid retrieving licenses we already have.
28 #set ($license = $services.licensing.licensor.getLicenseForExtension($
29 #if ($license)
30 #set ($discard = $data.put("expirationDate:$featureId", $license.expirationDate))
31 #end
32 #end
33 ##
34 ## Retrieve license updates from the XWiki Store.
35 ##
36 #if ($data.featureId.size() > 0)
37 #set ($licensingConfigDoc = $xwiki.getDocument('Licenses.Code.LicensingConfig'))
38 #set ($storeUpdateURL = $licensingConfigDoc.getValue('storeUpdateURL'))
39 #set ($licensesJSON = $xwiki.getURLContent("$storeUpdateURL?$escapetool.url($data)"))
40 #set ($licenses = $jsontool.fromString($licensesJSON))
41 #if (!$licenses)
42 ## Invalid JSON.
43 #set ($licenses = $jsontool.parse($licensesJSON))
44 #end
45 #else
46 #set ($licenses = [])
47 #end
48 ##
49 ## Apply the updates.
50 ##
51 #if (!$licenses)
52 #set ($jsonResponse = {
53 'status': 'error',
54 'notification': $services.localization.render('licensor.updateLicenses.failedToRetrieve')
55 })
56 #elseif ($licenses.isEmpty())
57 #set ($jsonResponse = {
58 'status': 'info',
59 'notification': $services.localization.render('licensor.updateLicenses.noUpdates')
60 })
61 #else
62 #set ($successCount = 0)
63 #foreach ($license in $licenses)
64 #set ($result = $NULL)
65 #try('addLicenseException')
66 #set ($result = $services.licensing.licensor.addLicense($license))
67 #end
68 #if ($result)
69 #set ($successCount = $successCount + 1)
70 #end
71 #end
72 #set ($jsonResponse = {
73 'status': 'done',
74 'notification': $services.localization.render('licensor.updateLicenses.applied', [$successCount, $licenses.size()]),
75 'updateCount': $successCount
76 })
77 #if ($successCount == 0)
78 #set ($jsonResponse.status = 'error')
79 #elseif ($successCount < $licenses.size())
80 #set ($jsonResponse.status = 'warning')
81 #end
82 #end
83 ##
84 ## Return the response.
85 ##
86 #if ($xcontext.action == 'get')
87 #set ($discard = $response.setContentType('application/json'))
88 #end
89 #if ($jsonResponse.status == 'error')
90 #set ($discard = $response.setStatus(500))
91 #end
92 $jsontool.serialize($jsonResponse)
93 {{/velocity}}
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