Modifié par Administrator le 2025/03/12 04:12
- Mailing-lists Emails Loading
Automatic loading of emails from GGS mailing-lists. Emails will be read from a mailbox, loaded and set with READ flag or deleted.
To configure options for loading sessions from this scheduled job, please visit Loading.
- 0 0/5 * * * ?
- Ce script est le code qui sera exécuté lorsque le traitement sera lancé par le planificateur. Il doit être écrit en Groovy. L'API XWiki est accessible via les variables "xwiki" et "context".
- try {
System.out.println("EMAILS LOADING: start");
def ma = services.mailarchive
} catch (Throwable e) {
System.out.println("EMAILS LOADING: exception while loading: " + e.getMessage());
/* def econtext = context.context.getEngineContext()
def msglist = econtext.getAttribute("recruitment_loadcontacts_debug")
if (msglist==null) {
msglist = new ArrayList()
econtext.setAttribute("recruitment_loadcontacts_debug", msglist)
msglist.add("EMAILS LOADING: exception while loading: " + e.getMessage());