This macro allows run calculation using velocity in wiki tables

Macro Parameters

ParameterDescriptionPossible valuesDefault value
formulaFormula to use for the calculation in velocity$B*$C or $row.get(2)*$row.get(3) for rows or $b*$c or  $col.get(2)*$col.get(3) for columnsmultiplication of the 2 columns to the left of the current column
formatDisplay format of the resulting calculation. This uses DecimalFormat from java0.00 Euros0.00

Test Calculation in rows

DescDaysPriceTotal HTTotal TTC
Test3.56002100.00 Euros2511.60 Euros

Test Calculation in rows using $row

DescDaysPriceTotal HTTotal TTC
Test3600.501802 Euros2155 Euros

Test Calculation in columns

Total HT2100.00 Euros
Total TTC2511.60 Euros

Test Calculation in columns using $col

Total HT1802 Euros
Total TTC2155 Euros
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Créé par Paul Libbrecht (admin) le 2013/09/04 05:51
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